樱花 / Cherry Blossom


樱花属于蔷薇科,远古时发源于中国喜马拉雅山麓,演化至今分布世界5大洲有300多个品种,主要生长在温带,有部分品种生长在亚热带及寒带。 樱花发源于中国,在唐朝时期引入日本大面积栽培,并成为了日本的国花。但樱花在世界上种植数量最多的还是在我国。传统樱花集中在我国的华中、华北地区,大多数属于中、晚樱品系,始花期为4月以后,作为市政道路树种植。另外,也有一些少量的中、早樱品种,始花期为每年3月下旬,在我国主要用于景观树进行栽培。元升引进的台湾早樱,“开花不带叶,花后才长叶”,开花非常灿烂,花色主要以大红、绯红、粉红为主。元升台湾早樱在华南始花期为1月底,在华中为2月中、下旬,开花时间与其它传统樱花品种比较,相对较早,开花时间主要在春节期间,即早春开花,属于典型的早樱品系。

Our company is involved in large-scale cultivation of more than 60 different fine varieties of cherry blossoms mainly from Taiwan and around the world. Our main development and plantation centers are located in Guangdong – Shanwei / Conghua and Jiangxi – Yingtan. Currently, we have already cultivated three million plants and we can supply both domestic and foreign markets with saplings and mature trees.

台湾早樱与传统中、晚樱特征比较/Taiwan Cherry Blossom Comparison】



Our cherry blossom trees can be grown in subtropical Guangdong to temperate Harbin. They are very suitable for use as ornamental plants in offices, schools, residential villas, boulevards, leisure farms, cherry blossom parks, and at festivals.

各种主要樱花品种全国花历/Major Cherry Blossom Calendar】

1. We have many fine variety cherry blossoms with large trunks that are fast-growing and pest-resistant. When the flowers bloom, the trees do not sprout leaves, which only grow after the flowers have withered away. With dense branches and luxuriant buds, the sight of the tree in full blossom is simply splendid.

2. A single variety of cherry blossom blooms for only two weeks. To extend the cherry blossom season, we offer a variety of cherry blossoms that bloom at different times, allowing you to extend the cherry blossom season to more than a month and a half.

3. Our company’s cherry blossoms start blooming on the mainland in southern Guangdong around Chinese New Year. The flowers are red and pink; colors that represent the festive season in China.

台湾早樱移植及交易方式建议/Transplanting Method and Suggested Shipping Method】


【有关台湾早樱种植及管护技术/Plantation and Maintenance Techniques】


【台湾早樱标准价/Cherry Blossom Pricing Standard】


以下这些是我们数量最多的樱花树种 | Following are our cherry blossom varieties:

  • 阳明山樱
  • 和谐粉红樱
  • 如意粉红樱
  • 白雪樱
  • 双喜红樱
  • 富貴粉红樱
  • 吉祥粉红樱