茶花 / Camellia

全世界有1700多种茶花, 我们从1700多种茶花中培育精选600余种名贵品种,将其嫁接到50–80年的古茶树上,呈现出来的不是大家通常所想象的灌木,而是乔木的茶花展现。我们可以把一个或多个品种嫁接到一棵乔木古茶树上,整棵树可以呈现出一个或多个花种和多个不同颜色和不同的花形花朵,有黑红色、紫色、红、白、黄、粉红等颜色,我們的茶花花朵直徑最大可達22公分。

我们也把名贵的品种嫁接以盆景的形式展现美丽的茶花,同样地,我们可以把一个或多个品种嫁接到一个盆景上,整个盆景可以呈现出一个或多个花种和多个颜色的花朵。茶花的开花季节在每年十一月下旬至来年4月上旬,四个多月的花期。尤其是茶花的花期跨越整个春节期间,大家喜欢将茶花种在庭院或放在阳台, 客厅或大厦大厅, 都是非常好的形象展现。



Currently, there are over 1700 kinds of camellia varieties in the world. Peaktop has selected more than 600 species of rare varieties to cultivate in our nursery. We have grafted some of these onto 50–80 year-old camellia trees to create plants that go beyond the imagination. We can graft one or more varieties onto a single old tree to produce several varieties of flowers with different colors and shapes on the same tree. Our camellia flowers can grow up to 22 cm in diameter.

We can also graft rare varieties of camellia into the form of a bonsai plant. Similarly, we can graft one or more varieties onto a single plant to create a bonsai that exhibits one or more varieties of camellia flowers with multiple colors. The flowering season of our camellia trees starts in late November and ends in early April. In particular, as the flowering season straddles the Chinese New Year period, people like to plant them in gardens, balconies, living rooms, or building lobbies during the festive season so as to create a grand impression.





